Echos of Encouragement
Encouragement and Challenge for Singles for the year 2000
by Brother Barnabas
NOTE: devotions below are in REVERSE order chronologically
Let’s Hear it for Ruts
December 28, 2000There’s lots of negative publicity about ruts. Don’t get into a rut, if you’re in a rut get out of it, and on it goes with negative commentary concerning ruts. I heard a preacher once say that a rut was nothing but a grave with the ends kicked out. He went on from there to share how he really felt about ruts. I want to rebut that negative commentary. Ruts are our friends. Let’s hear it for ruts!
Evidently the preacher that made the earlier remarks never had to drive on ice. For the past two weeks I have had the "privilege" of sharpening my ice driving skills here in Oklahoma City. As a native Alabamian I tell people out here that the only way Alabamians do ice is in a glass with Coke or tea. I began driving on ice nine years ago when I moved here. The first time driving on ice here I was petrified. I have come to terms that while living in Oklahoma one of the necessary evils of life is having to periodically drive on ice. Though no longer petrified, I still don’t like it which brings me back to the issue of ruts.
Ice is the great equalizer in driving. No matter whom one is, ice can and often will humble someone that brags on his driving skills. As I have had to deal with icy roads recently I have been appreciative for the ruts in the roads. Ruts on an icy road can be a life saver especially if one isn’t driving a front wheel drive car. For an inexperienced driver the ruts that one has to drive in give stability to a very unstable condition. Fear, panic, and all sorts of negative emotions can be emitted when the ruts end unexpectedly or one has to change from one set of ruts into others. Ruts may not always be good, but let me assure you that in particular circumstances ruts are very good.
With this in mind, it’s now time to officially celebrate the new century, millennium, etc. New Years is upon us. If you celebrated it last year congratulations. Now you get to do it again.
How will this year pan out? I have no idea for my prophet skills are with forthtelling and not foretelling. To enhance success let me encourage you to get into some routines. Some will try and discourage you and call routines nothing but ruts. Ok, but some routines are good. It should be a routine for believers to be in worship on Sundays. Some Sundays you will be at your crescendo spiritually. Other Sundays you may be in the pits. The routine will aid you when you may not want to be there. There are other routines you may need to establish, but time and length are limiting me here.
Let me encourage you this week to get alone with God to establish your goals, routines, etc. for this new year. Remember, though we need to stay away from some nuts, other ruts may become life changing experiences.
Routinely encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
Receiving Graciously
December 21, 2000Christmas is upon us. It’s a time of excitement as we celebrate Jesus’ birthday. It’s also an opportunity for us to give to others in ways that sometimes go neglected the rest of the year. We suddenly get into this "giving" mode that lasts for a few weeks. The homeless and less fortunate I’m sure are appreciative, but they get hungry at times other than Christmas. There are those children that need toys, clothing, and love on their birthdays, etc. I write this to remind myself as well as others not to forget to give throughout the year.
As we are in this mode of giving I wonder how much we are in the mode to receive? Some people have a difficult time receiving from people. After all Jesus Himself said that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Have you ever tried to give a gift to someone who is always giving of themselves and their means to others? It’s very difficult for that person to receive either because of pride or genuine humility.
However, Jesus intended for us to be receivers as well as givers. We must learn how to receive. For one we must receive God’s grace bestowed upon us in the person of Jesus the Christ. How unfortunate it is that many will celebrate gift giving etc. this year, but so few will actually celebrate Christmas because they have never received the gift of Christ Jesus into their lives. They lost and in broken relationship with God because they either haven’t or won’t receive Jesus.
Others won’t allow God to bless them by other people. When God lays it on a person’s heart to be a blessing to you then you need to allow that person to be that blessing. You may actually be prohibiting them from being obedient to the Lord.
God may be trying to give you the gift of a deeper walk with Him. It may mean that He takes you through some tough times to get you to the deeper walk. Though it doesn’t feel or look like it at the time, the tough times are often gifts from God demonstrating His love for you and His desire for you to become more than you are presently.
God may want to give you a gift as well as make you a gift to someone else. He may bring people in your life that you deem failures or tough to love. He may do this for them and you. People that fail need more mature people in their lives to love them and aid them. Mature people need to be reaching out to those that need aid. Both must receive God’s gift.
Let me encourage you this Christmas to receive and be thankful for all of God’s gifts. Some you will immediately want and some you won’t. However, all gifts from God are good and for His glory and our benefit.
Giving the gift of encouragement,
Brother Barnabas
Have an Extreme Christmas
December 14, 2000Do you like extremes? Some people tend to become wary or even frightened when the adjective extreme is used. Extremes can be good. Many of us enjoy watching the extreme or X games on TV. There are normally some unusual sports involved in these games. In these sports people go beyond normal competitiveness to win. It’s extreme!
This week we light the Joy candle in our Advent celebration. Joy is described as an extreme. It is defined as extreme gratification over something good or something desired. I like that! In Luke 2:10 an angel of the Lord tells the shepards that I bring you good news of a great "joy," an extreme, which shall be for all the peoples. Though mankind was sinful and not worthy of His attention God the Father had gone to great extremes to demonstrate His undying love for His creation. Jesus had been born. It was extreme!
The author of Hebrews says in chapter 12:2 that because of the "joy" that was set before Him, Jesus endured the cross, despised the shame, and now is sitting at the right hand of God the Father. It was extreme!
Joy is used over and over in the Bible both to describe God’s love for us and our love and devotion for God. The Bible says it the joy of the Lord which is my strength. The Bible says we are to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. It’s been said that joy is a much deeper emotion than happiness. It’s extreme!
Let me encourage you this week as you continue your Christmas shopping and all those things you do to prepare yourself for the Christmas celebration not to forget to be joyful. Be joyful or joyous in your attitudes and actions especially in telling others why we celebrate Christmas in the first place. Be extreme!
Extremely encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
Adventful Peace
December 7, 2000We are now in the second Sunday celebrating Advent. Advent is an ecumenical(unifying) celebration within the Christian community. Advent aids in preparing our hearts and minds for the Christmas celebration.
This is the second Sunday of Advent. We light the Shepard’s candle or the peace candle today along with the hope candle which was lighted last week. The peace candle reminds us that Jesus is the coming "Prince of Peace" mentioned in the Bible. Jesus is the "shalom" of God which calms not only our anxieties, but He gives comfort to our souls as we place our trust in Him. In John 14:27 Jesus giving some last words to His disciples before the crucifiction says, "Peace I give to you. My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you." It would be that peace that would sustain their hearts and minds during the time of His death until He was resurrected and revealed Himself again to them. It is also this same peace to which the apostle Paul speaks in Phil.4:7 which says that this same peace of God which surpasses all human understanding actively guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.
There is a Christian song which says, "When I feel I’m going under part the waters Lord." We live in a world which longs for peace and security from all the troubles of this life. Numerous songs speak to this realm of serenity for which the world longs. However, outside of a personal relationship with Jesus one will never experience ultimate peace and security which are only found in Jesus. We must remember not only is Jesus our hope, but he is also our peace.
Let me encourage you to first thank God for His wonderful gift of peace made possible through a relationship with Jesus. Secondly, let me encourage you to share the hope and peace of Jesus with those that desperately need to know that there is hope and peace, and that it is only a confession, repentance, and acceptance away. Right relationship with God the Father through Jesus the Son brings peace in the Holy Spirit.
Peacefully encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
Castles or Crowns
November 30, 2000I hear from time to time lots of Christians talking about the mansion they hope to have in heaven. There are numerous Christian songs which refer to the mansion that Jesus has waiting on us. Some describe their mansion in terms of a castle. To these Christians their castle is the most important element of being in heaven. I have listened numerous times as people talk with great anticipation and with a very serious nature in having their mansion or castle in heaven.
Personally I don’t care if I have a mansion or castle in heaven or not. What makes heaven indeed heaven is the fact that Jesus is there. We will be in complete right relationship with God and will be able to be in His full presence all the time. What will be the use of a mansion?
Another factor with the concept of the mansion is that Jesus says basically that we will be single adults in heaven. As a single I don’t stay at home much now. When I get to heaven and have opportunity to be in the full presence of God with all the other saints I know I won’t be at home much. What will be the use of a mansion?
Something that bothers me with this concept of having a mansion and such is that the talk I hear from Christians reeks of pride and opulence. They want to have a "big" mansion so everyone can see. Excuse me, but isn’t pride a primary reason Satan was expelled from heaven in the first place? What will be the use of a mansion?
Towards the end of his journey the apostle Paul writes to Timothy encouraging him and relating to him some last thoughts. He says that as he has finished the course and kept the faith the Lord will give to him a crown of righteousness and will give that same crown to all those that love His appearing.
In the Revelation John writes that there are twenty four elders in heaven who have crowns. They take their crowns and lay them at the feet of Jesus who is worthy to receive them.
I hope when I get to heaven I receive that same crown of righteousness of which the apostle Paul speaks. I want to finish well with the blessings of my Father saying, "Well done." I then hope to take that crown and place it before the feet of Jesus in order to pay homage to Him in much the same way as the magi did at His birth. He alone is worthy!!
Let me encourage you this week to work on your crown rather than your mansion. As the hymn goes, "Crown Him with many crowns, the Lamb upon the throne."
Encouraging you to crown Him King,
Brother Barnabas
No Favors?November 23, 2000 What motivates you to give of yourself to others? For many, the motivation comes from an opportunity of giving, and some, actually have the Spiritual gift of giving. For others the motivation is getting or selfishness. We Christians aren’t immune from this type of behavior. The thought seems to be, if I do this for them then they will owe me a favor.
Some bring this type of selfishness into their relationship with Jesus. The thought seems to be that if they are obedient and do enough good things then God is obliged to bless them. I regretfully admit there was a time when I had this attitude. The Lord kindly directed me to Scripture which would change my attitude towards obedience.
In Luke 17:7-10 Jesus shows us how we are to approach obedience. In reading this passage, one discovers that obedience is what we are to be about without expecting special favors from the Lord. If the Lord blesses us then "praise God", but He is not obligated to bless us because we are obedient.
Let me encourage you this week to re-examine your motivation towards obedience to the Lord. It may be that you like me may have to change some attitudes towards obedience.
Expecting no favors,
Brother Barnabas
Wise Investments
November 16, 2000What happens to people in your life when they don’t either meet or live up to your expectations? Do you immediately write them off or do you work with them until either they become acceptable or prove to be not worthy of your time investment? There are those that we know that are "slow starters" in life. We wonder if they will ever "get their act together" or will they completely wash out. After time they prove to be one of the best investments in life that we could ever make. How do you discern concerning those that will and those that won’t become productive?
The apostle Paul had that problem. He and Barnabas were investing their lives into a young man named John Mark. After a short time John Mark left them. Paul gave up on John Mark, but Barnabas didn’t. Barnabas was willing to loose his friendship with Paul because he believed in John Mark and what he could become. Barnabas was right. John Mark proved to be a slow starter but worthy of Barnabas’ investment. The second Gospel is named for John Mark. In fact, towards the end of his ministry Paul had good things to say concerning John Mark. Remember, Paul was also an investment of Barnabas.
Let me encourage you this week to look again at those with whom you have serious doubts. Are they "wash outs" or just slow starters that need more attention and compassion? Will those that you’re ready to give up on actually be a "John Mark" in disguise?
Investing in you,
Brother Barnabas
Ministering to the Lord
November 9, 2000Do you ever minister to the Lord? We are always seeking the Lord to minister to us by answering our prayers, meeting our needs and desires, protecting us from harm, etc. And He does, and He does an extremely wonderful job of ministering to us. But, do we ever return the favor? Would we even know how if we wanted to?
The Bible depicts several instances where people ministered to the Lord. One such place is in Acts 13:2. From the Scriptures and from my own walk I’ve discovered that we minister to the Lord by including Him in all parts of our lives. I’d like to share with you some ways you can minister to the Lord. There is, of course, always prayer and Bible study. We minister to Him as we seek Him through prayer and as we spend time in His Word.
But have you ever set an appointment with God just to fellowship with Him not wanting Him to do anything but just for you to spend some time together? Have you ever spent time in prayer simply praising the Lord and telling Him just how wonderful you think that He is? Do you have conversations with God while driving, washing your clothes, etc.? I’m sure you can come up with other ways that you personally can "minister to the Lord."
Let me encourage you this week to spend some time seeking to minister to the Lord. Perhaps it will stretch you to come up with ideas. It will definitely cause you to have a new perspective of your relationship with Him.
Ministerially speaking,
Brother Barnabas
"Sooner" or Later
November 2, 2000Boomer Sooner!! Living here in OK, it’s difficult not to get caught up in all the success of the Oklahoma Sooners football team. In just two years their coach, Bob Stoops, had brought them from one of the worst major college football teams to the top of the ladder. He and his staff have taken players that were recruited by former Coach John Blake, made some adjustments, and given leadership to the point where a team that wasn’t expected to do very much may most likely play for the national championship this season.
On the other hand, my cherished team the Alabama Crimson Tide (you should be awed) has gone from a preseason number three in the nation to below the cellar. At this point they have dug a hole which is reaching towards China. There were so many expectations from this team this year. Many sportscasters were predicting the Crimson Tide would be playing for the national championship. This team its been said has some of the best talent of any Alabama team in years. There was excitement in the air. Now, for the faithful Bama fans we just hope to beat Auburn and then hide for the rest of the year.
These two teams make an excellent spiritual point. The point is that it doesn’t matter if you begin well, it only matters if you finish well in the Christian life. I have seen a great number of people get saved and be fired up for the Lord Jesus. They had great potential. They went on however to only either fizzle out, burn out, or do little for His cause. I have seen others that didn’t look like they had much potential at all excel more than anyone thought they could or would and finish as champions for Christ.
A Christian can have all the potential and aspirations in the world to serve Jesus, but if they never follow through their potential and aspirations are meaningless. However, another Christian may begin his Christian walk a bit shaky whether by trying to break a bad habit, having been in prison, or any number of obstacles in front of him. He overcomes his obstacles and devotes his life in service for his Lord. His, is a life to admire.
Let me encourage you to begin your walk with Christ the best you can. It’s always better to get off on a good start. However, no matter how good or bad you begin your Christian life, let me encourage all of you to finish well. Some seed yielded twenty, some forty, and some sixty fold worth of fruit.
Encouraging you toward the goal,
Brother Barnabas
Death Defying
October 26, 2000My friend Steve Childers, one of our singles, lost his father recently to death unexpectedly. Oct. 25 marked the second anniversary of my mom’s death. As we grow older we will face death more often. I’m surprised at how many singles I talk with have had little to no dealings with death. Some still have both sets of grandparents as well as their entire immediate family. Death and I have unfortunately been well acquainted with each other for a long time.
As I began reflecting upon my mom’s death this past week, I began thinking of the positives as well as the minuses concerning her death and the death of others.
Death placed an immediate end to our fellowship. There have been numerous times I have wanted to call and talk with her about something, but that is no longer possible. Death made going home less meaningful. I still have my sisters and other family in Alabama, but going home was always special when my mom was there. Now, it’s more or less just the place where I grew up. Never again in this life will I give my mom hugs or receive her advice on something(whether or not I wanted it). But!!!
Because of the cross/resurrection, death has been defied as the victor in the battle between life and death. Because of Jesus, one day I will be able to see my mom again more alive than I ever knew her before. Because of Jesus, when I see her she won’t be sickly or have any residue of any illness left on her body. Because of Jesus, at our next reunion there won’t be any fear of separation through death. Death will be defied of any power to frighten us or intimidate us any longer. Because of Jesus, there will be nothing but joy at our next meeting. Because of Jesus, coming home has a new meaning which has excitement in its ring. No wonder the apostle Paul asked , "Oh death where is your sting?". Because of Jesus, we may be apprehensive of death, but we need not fear death any longer. Because of Jesus we defy death over and over again!!
Let me encourage you this week to no longer be afraid of death. The thoughts of death are for the most part uncomfortable at best. There is a natural fear of death. That which is alive doesn’t fully understand death and those things accompanying death. But, because of Jesus we as Christians are victorious over death! Because He lives we live and will live again.
Encouraging you in life,
Brother Barnabas
We’re no Angels
October 19, 2000Have you ever tried to justify improper behavior with the explanation, "I’m no angel."? I’m sure you as well as I have heard people use this term numerous times. They often don’t know how right they are.
While in this same Hallmark store I referred to last week, I saw this beautiful porcelain angel there. I casually mentioned to the cashier how beautiful the figurine was. I also remarked that no matter how beautiful it was it was Biblically incorrect because it was feminine. Every time the Bible refers to angels they are always masculine. There was a lady behind me that I could tell didn’t seem to appreciate my statement. As I left, I saw her say something to the cashier. After the lady had left the cashier I returned curious as to what she had told her. The cashier told me that the lady had said that I was wrong because she had a mother and a daughter in heaven that were now angels. I left sadly thinking how wrong this lady is and how she doesn’t know what the Bible says about angels or the afterlife.
It seems there is a fascination with angels these days within and without the Christian community. There are lots of things we don’t know about angels. Dr. Billy Graham several years ago wrote a book specifically devoted to angels. There are several things however that we do know about angels according to the Scriptures.
Angels are an entirely different created order from humans. They are part of the heavenly host which was from the beginning. Angels are heralds. God uses them as messengers here on earth. Angels are capable of sin hence the devil and his angels were expelled from heaven. They don’t understand the salvation process but longingly look to understand according to the book of Hebrews. I have no idea if there are feminine angels are not because the Bible doesn’t say.
There are two other very important truths. When the Christian dies and goes to be with the Lord in heaven they are given a new glorified body, but they don’t turn into angels. The other truth is that Jesus said in heaven there is no marriage, but humans are like the angels. Evidently angels are a type of Single Adult which I find interesting.
Let me encourage you this week to try not to be an angel. Don’t try and be something you’re not. However, do be like the angels by being a herald. Herald or tell the good news of salvation to someone this week.
Heralding encouragement to you,
Brother Barnabas
October 12, 2000Many of you know I am an avid fan of the "Peanuts" comic strip. Since Charles Schulz was a hero of mine I have begun collecting some of the "Peanuts" memorabilia, especially the Hallmark limited edition "Peanuts" porcelain figurines. Recently I noticed something very interesting at a store I was patronizing.
As I was browsing around looking at the different "Peanuts" figurines I noticed this particular store I was in had other figurines which weren’t limited editions or from Hallmark mingled together with the Hallmark figurines. A person simply looking to purchase something to do with "Peanuts" could acquire one of the lesser figurines while thinking it was as valuable as the Hallmark. They are after all very good quality and strikingly similar to the Hallmark products. However, there is a distinctive difference. Looking upon the bottom of the Hallmark pieces one will find numbers identifying them as limited edition pieces. The distinction may not be noticeable from a casual glance, but upon serious inspection the unique evidence is there. Without proper inspection it is easy to mistake regular pieces for limited editions. This scenario reminded me of Jesus’ story with the "wheat and tares."(Matt.13:24-30)
As I have been in the secular workforce I have found it periodically difficult to distinguish between Christians and non Christians. In fact there have been times when from a casual glance I have mistaken Christians for non Christians and vise versa. If I am painfully honest, I must admit there have been times when I might have been mistaken for a non Christian, especially upon loosing my temper.
Though never perfect, we are to strive to be able to be easily identified as our Lord’s and not the devil’s. As Christians we are after all Jesus’ personal limited edition collection here on earth. He has bought and paid for us. We are therefore to be holy. It is not optional for us. Holiness is both commanded and demanded of us by Jesus our Lord, Master, and Savior.
Let me encourage you this week to be identifiable. Allow others to easily identify you, though flawed, as a priceless limited edition purchased by the blood of Jesus.
Identifiably encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
Scouring Pads and Scrub Sponges
October 5, 2000Would you say your Christian life would compare more to a metal scouring pad or to a scrub sponge? Have you ever noticed the two? They have similar purposes, but they are very distinctive.
The metal scouring pad is very abrasive. It is primarily used to scrub away tough residue on skillets and such. It is porous to the effect that it withholds little to no water. It serves a function and does it well, but it is rather limited.
The scrub sponge on the other hand is very utilitarian. It has a scouring side similar to the metal scouring pad. However, it has the capacity to be very soft. Although also porous, it has an elasticity capacity. It will absorb water until it overflows. The presence of water makes the sponge soft and useful for cleaning delicate glass, wiping spills, and a variety of other usages.
Some Christians are like metal scouring pads. Their lives are characterized by abrasiveness. Perhaps God called them to it. There are prophets God uses as an abrasive to call His children and lost folk to repentance and revival. One such man of God I have admired who is now in glory was Leonard Ravenhill. He could be very abrasive, but God used him mightily this century to call many to repentance and salvation. His book, Why No Revival is a must read. He had a dramatic impact on the life of Keith Green as well as others.
There are other abrasive Christians whom I’m not sure are called to this but have become this way because of hurt, perhaps pride, and other negatives. They are so porous there isn’t much room left for the Holy Spirit. They are pretty limited in their capacity to be useful to the Lord Jesus.
Then there are those Christians which are like scrub sponges. They can be abrasive when the need arises, and sometimes when the need doesn’t. Their lives have a tender side because they have that sponge like quality in their life which allows room for the Holy Spirit to dwell. Much of their best work is done from the soft side or overflow of the Holy Spirit working in their lives. They are much more user friendly.
Let me encourage you to get with God to determine what kind of Christian you are. We need positive abrasives to aid us toward Christ Jesus. Negative abrasives can change. Praise God for the scrub sponges. They are abrasive when needed, but tender and more useful overall.
Gently encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
Strange and Stupid
September 28, 2000While I advocate passion in one’s soul let me make it clear I do not advocate being strange nor stupid. Dr. Darrell Robinson, a dear friend, once said that when God begins doing something strange people tend to show up. In the first century in Alexandria, Egypt a guy sat a top of one of the pillars of the church building for several years. Strange! Most of us at one time or unfortunately more than one time have done some pretty stupid things. I began thinking about some of the stupid things I have done. Suffice it to say I have pulled a few stupid stunts. I can’t accuse someone else of pulling strange or stupid stuff without first looking at my own life. I’ve discovered four primary reasons for stupid or strange behavior which are z.i.p.l.
The first reason for strange or stupid behavior is zeal untempered by wisdom. Zeal or passion is great, but it must be tempered by wisdom. Zealous people without spiritual wisdom can become dangerous to the body of Christ.
The second reason is immaturity. Would to God that I had grown up socially long before I have. My failure in the pastorate primarily came from immaturity and the next reason which is pride.
It’s been said that pride was the first of the original seven deadly sins. Numerous theologians have pointed to pride as Adam and Eve’s moral failure in the Garden of Eden. I hate pride!! It has caused me nothing but grief. It can easily destroy one’s ministry.
The last reason for strange and/or stupid behavior is laziness. Laziness can sneak up on us quicker than the others. We get complacent where we are spiritually or what the Lord has allowed us to accomplish. We’ve paid our dues as Christians by teaching, outreach, and many other duties. We get to the place where we believe someone else should do something. Perhaps others should do more. We definitely need rest, but when the Lord Jesus appoints us to a job we must fulfill that job until He says otherwise.
Let me encourage you this week not to demonstrate strange nor stupid behavior. Pray for zeal with wisdom, maturity, humility, and desire to work. May others see our passion without strange or stupid behavior.
Zealously encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
September 21, 2000Recently I was in Bricktown in Oklahoma City which is the trendy place to be with eateries, the ballpark, and canal. As I was walking towards my car I saw something a little "different." A guy with a ponytail, shorts, barefooted, and with a guitar slung over his shoulder was standing on a street corner with a Bible in his hand preaching. I intentionally approached him and told him, "God bless" in order to encourage him. He spoke the same back to me while also continuing his preaching saying something about Isaiah during the time.
Some people will look at this guy and think or maybe even tell him he’s nuts. Some of these people will be Christians. I look at this guy and say "Praise God" he’s at least got the guts to be there. So what if the guy’s nuts? Who and what’s he hurting? I promise if anyone gets saved they won’t care if he’s nuts.
Quite honestly Christians are all nuts. From the Day of Pentecost in the book of Acts on people have thought Christians were nuts. It kind of saddens me that not enough people think that we’re nuts anymore. Two of the saddest days in history in my estimation have been when Israel came out of the desert and quit depending on God and the day when Christianity became respectable.
I listen to George Carlin when he’s on tv and censored. He gives me a pretty accurate account of what lots of lost folk think and how they feel in regards to Christianity. From listening to him he seems to think we’re nuts and scam artists. Have you ever stopped to think exactly how nutty Christianity is to a lost person? We have a relationship with an invisible person which we talk with, laugh and cry with, tell our troubles to, and depend on Him to take care of us. That’s only part of it. When Jimmy Stewart did this with an invisible six foot rabbit named Harvey they thought he was a bit more than eccentric.
The way I see it, anyone who will stand on the street corner and preach regardless of I.Q. has fire in their soul. I’ll take people like this anytime and take on Hell with a squirt gun. Quite honestly I’m not sure I still have what it takes to stand on street corners and preach anymore as I once did. If I don’t, I want to get it back. God bless the day when lost people again think we’re nuts because of fire in our souls.
Encouraging you to be nuts,
Brother Barnabas
Planning for Evangelism
September 14, 2000As I began writing last week concerning my new great-niece Madison, I began think how similar the birth process is like the "new birth" process.
My niece and Heath, her husband, planned for Madison. She didn’t "just happen." They had talked about how much they wanted to expand their family, timing, finances, and all sorts of ideas planning for Madison.
When doing evangelism, it goes better if we plan for it. We get together and share concerning the need to reach people, we talk about some of the costs involved reaching people, and share different ideas and ways we can reach people. Planning makes evangelism better.
Secondly, there is preparation. I know Amy spent lots of time planning for Madison. Amy discussed with my sister Robbie concerning the nursery and finding things from Amy’s past now in the attic which would be utilized once more. There was a lot of preparation.
Evangelism is done best when we are prepared. We need to make sure we have space for new people. We need to have a mind set for reaching people and bringing them in with us. We must prepare for changes which will occur. We need to have a strategy such as FAITH to reach people. There is all sorts of preparation which needs to take place.
Lastly there is participation. Already with Madison there have been sleepless nights and other inconveniences. Currently, Madison is working on getting her days and nights in order. Amy and Heath didn’t just have a baby, place her in the nursery, and then neglect her. They will allow other things to be neglected in order to make sure she seen after.
If we are going to reach people we must be willing to participate in their lives. Sometimes this will inconvenience us. New converts need our time and love as well as our witness to them. We may have to allow other desires to go neglected while we aid them in their growth.
Amy and Heath counted the costs and decided any sacrifices were worth the trouble in order to have Madison. Let me encourage you this week to count the costs and decide reaching people for Jesus is worth the time and trouble involved. I assure you keeping people out of Hell is worth any inconvenience you may encounter.
Evangelistically encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
Welcome to our World
September 7, 2000This past week something extremely significant happened in our family. Madison Macall Helm safely arrived in Birmingham, AL making me a great uncle for the first time. I teased with my niece saying it isn’t fair for her to have a baby before her uncle. However she is married and I’m not (I wasn’t wild about that either); therefore, I suppose she’s entitled. This baby was planned for, expected and anticipated, and loved before she arrived and took her first breath of air. Madison will be spoiled to no end because she is the first baby from my niece who is an only child. There is much joy in our family over Madison’s safe arrival. I prayed with my niece over the phone thanking the Lord Jesus for our family and Madison’s safe arrival. I also prayed with my niece that there will come a day when Madison says yes to Jesus and invites Him to be her Lord and Savior. There will be many more prayers in her behalf especially concerning her salvation and growth. For now, I simply want to see her and personally welcome her into our family.
For many of us who are not yet married, singles celebrations such as this often come as mixed blessings. On the one hand we celebrate with our brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, or even close friends over major events such as this in their lives yet wondering if and when it will take place in our life. There is the tendency for self pity and even jealousy especially as we grow older. We must fight those emotions and not give in to them. Part of our maturity as Christians and Christian Singles is to celebrate with others without drawing attention to ourselves. Romans 12:15 (NAS) says to "rejoice with those that rejoice and weep with those that weep." This is not the time to focus in on my hopes and dreams. This is the time to give thanks to Jesus and celebrate with my sister and brother-in-law, niece and her husband, and their precious new daughter Madison.
Let me encourage you this week to find someone and celebrate with them something that Jesus is doing in their life. Perhaps it may be winning someone to Jesus this week and celebrating their salvation. What a wonderful idea!! Resist the desire to turn the focus toward yourself. Allow someone else to have the spotlight.
Encouraging you and welcoming Madison,
Brother Barnabas
Labor Days?
August 31, 2000This weekend we as a nation celebrate our work ethic by taking a day off. We call it Labor Day in which we theoretically give our workers a day off from their labors. There are many that will continue to work on Labor Day such as hospitals, restaurants, and others. It is nice however for our nation to recognize the hard work our people do in order make this country successful. It was a good idea. I wonder though how many of us will actually rest on our national day of rest?
Labor Day isn’t a new idea. Long ago and far away God established Labor Day. His is even better because instead of annually, His is weekly. We call His labor day the Sabbath or for us in the Christian community, Sunday. In establishing creation the Bible says that God worked six days and on the seventh He rested. He gave the command to His followers that weekly they should take a Sabbath rest. It was a good idea! But how many of us actually rest on our weekly day of rest?
What makes Sunday different in your life? The Lord intended for it to be a time of rest, worship, and re-creation in order to prepare us for the coming work week. From my personal observations we in the Christian community have gotten away from its intent. For example, for many Sunday is a time when the family gets together for a meal unlike the way it use to be. I have seen people miss church in order to get Sunday dinner ready. Hmmm! Growing up in Alabama, for years we had "Blue Laws" where all stores were closed except for a few gas stations and such. Now people can’t wait to get out of church to spend the afternoon shopping. Hmmm! Sunday has basically lost its distinction except that we also go to church then. Some of us also go to church on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. What makes Sunday different from any other day?
Let me encourage you this week to reestablish Sunday as your Day of rest. It wasn’t just a good idea, but it was a commandment established by God the Father for us. We are to honor Sunday. Sunday is to be set apart from other days. Take time to rest, worship, and re-create. You and God will be glad you did.
Laboring to encourage you,
Brother Barnabas
Prepared for the Possibilities
August 24, 2000Today begins a new an era at Village Baptist Church. We are prepared and positioned by our pastor to perceive, proclaim, and promote the profound positive possibilities pertaining to God’s providential provision for our people. Ok, I’ve been a little silly with all the p’s, but now what does all this mean?
First, it means that God in His providence has provided VBC with a proper pastor.(I could have put powerful preaching instead of proper, but the understanding would be lost.) He is the proper pastor because he has a vision to see souls saved. We must never forget that we are first and foremost called to love God and love people. This means that we are to be in right relationship with the Lord Jesus and work in order that others may be saved. He is proper because he is a pastor who loves his people and desires them to become mature disciples of Christ Jesus. He is proper because God has given our pastor wisdom in being able to utilize our buildings to their greatest potential without placing our church in unnecessary debt. God has used our pastor to prepare and position us to perceive all sorts of positive possibilities.
Secondly, we are to proclaim and promote these positive possibilities. It’s the same idea as seeing the glass half full instead of half empty. We are to tell others as well as remind each other of all the wonderful opportunities that await them at VBC. There are opportunities for growth, service, and fellowship within our church. One is only limited by self imposed limitations. We have a wonderful opportunity to make a difference in our community as well as our world for the cause of Christ. Our church isn’t focused only on our immediate community, but we are focused on our city, state, country, and world. We are world changers. As evidence, simply look at our past, present, and future missions emphases with their variety of opportunities.
Let me encourage you this week to become a positive promoter of the possibilities God has given us. As with anything there are and will be some down sides, but these are and will be minimal. Don’t be left out on becoming a world changer. Heaven depends on you doing your part.
Positively promoting encouragement to you,
Brother Barnabas
Confronting Comfortable Christianity
August 17, 2000Most everybody enjoys being comfortable. We have special clothing, old shoes, favorite furniture, and all sorts of things we enjoy that enhances our comfort. Some of us even have special people in our lives we turn to simply because they are comfortable to be around. It’s comfortable to feel comfortable.
As wonderful as being comfortable is it can also be a distraction or even a hindrance. We can allow "stuff" we need to do to go undone because we’re comfortable and doing this "stuff" would take us out of our comfort zone. Why mow the grass when it’s so hot outside? Why take time to clean the house since it will only get dirty again? The church I attend is no longer comfortable. They’re wanting us to undergo change in order to make room for more people. I’m comfortable with the way things are currently. These scenarios are humorous, but unfortunately some people actually view life similarly.
As Christians Jesus isn’t nearly as concerned about our comfort as He is our commitment. He speaks of getting into a yoke along side Him in order to serve. He speaks of carrying our cross in order to follow. He speaks of suffering as He suffered for us in order to demonstrate His love.
Our primary source of comfort comes from knowing we are in right relationship with Him. Nothing He asks or demands is too uncomfortable as long as we are in the center of His will.
With this in mind, our church is entering into a new phase of ministry next week. I’m excited!! We are going to dual Sunday Schools and dual worship services. We are not and will not be two churches. We are only Village Baptist Church. This should be "no big deal" for us. It will force some of us out of our comfort zone, but so what? Aren’t our two primary objectives to be in right relationship with the Lord Jesus and secondly do whatever we have to in order to see others come into that same right relationship? Of course those are our primary objectives!
Let me encourage you this week to enjoy your comfort. Be as comfortable as you can as much as you can. However, don’t allow becoming a bit uncomfortable stand in the way of others coming to a comfortable relationship with Jesus.
Comfortably encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
August 10, 2000I picked up a good lesson concerning the Christian life this past weekend at a wonderful place; the lake. Several singles and a few "former singles" met at Lake Murray in south Oklahoma for camping, jet skiing, and fun in general. Several of us went down Friday to camp and prepare for those coming Saturday.
It’s been a while since I camped though I enjoy it and wish I could go more often. My camping equipment consists primarily of backpacking gear. The other campers had large tents and gear associated with car camping. Friday evening after camp was set up I began friendly teasing them for their gear being more for "softies". They accepted my teasing without being defensive.
Saturday morning those softies awoke fresh and ready to seize the day. I, on the other hand, was a bit tired and less than my best. My tent had been hot and my pad wasn’t nearly what I wished. As the day wore on I became more and more fatigued while they remained fresher than me. I had more of the serious camping gear, but they were having more fun. Interesting!!
This event reminded me how many people live the Christian life. There are those who have more of the "serious tools" than others for effective Christian living such as computer programs, commentaries, etc. These people are usually very involved in the disciplines of the Christian life. There are others who do well to have a nice Bible much less any commentaries or computer programs. However, many of these same people practice the disciplines of the Christian life as effectively as those with the "serious tools." Most of them even seem to enjoy the Christian life more. Jesus reminded His hearers the greatest commandment is to love God first, foremost, and completely. Secondly we are to love others as much as we love ourselves. It is easier to demonstrate the love of God when you also enjoy it. We must not forget that Christianity most importantly is a love relationship with the Lord Jesus.
Let me encourage you to get all the serious tools for living the Christian life you can afford. Whether or not you’re able to own and use "the stuff," I pray you will practice all the disciplines with commitment. While you’re working out your salvation don’t forget to smile and enjoy your relationship with the Lord Jesus. Don’t allow others to enjoy Jesus more than you.
Enjoying encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
August 3, 2000Recently I was talking with Deena, our singles’ secretary, concerning a rafting trip she and her husband Jeff took in Colorado. She related to me how the experience began very smoothly but turned into quite an adventure. When she had finished her story, I made the remark that I bet she and Jeff wouldn’t want to do that again. To my amazement she disagreed with me. She told me that the whole adventure had been lots of fun. Fun? She had told me of all sorts of difficulties she and her husband had experienced and now it was fun? It didn’t sound like very much fun to me as I listened. Go figure!
After listening to her story and how much fun it was I was reminded of the end of the movie "Jeremiah Johnson." Jeremiah’s friend sees him and asks Jeremiah, "Was it worth all the trouble?" Jeremiah responds, "What trouble?"
The apostle Paul writes in 2 Cor. 4:17, "For momentary light affliction is producing for us a weight of glory by comparison." A few chapters later, chapter 11, he gives a defense for his apostleship. He tells of how many times he was beaten, shipwrecked, etc. Knowing what he went through makes me go back to chapter 4 and ask what Paul meant by "light affliction"? It seems to me that it was anything but light.
There are times when we see fellow Christians going through what seems to be all sorts of hardships. We begin to feel sorry for them and wonder why God in His loving kindness allows them so many difficulties. We quietly praise God that at least it isn’t us that is going through all the hardships.
We will almost all go through hardships. Some will go through more than others. It may be that instead of feeling sorry for those going through such difficult times we might in fact find ourselves envying them. Not always, but much of the time I have personally found those that go through such difficult times to be more in love with Jesus than I could have ever thought possible. Instead of being bitter there is a deeper devotion and an air of gratitude for God’s goodness. Goodness? Yes, His goodness demonstrated in the midst of difficulties through His grace. Of course there are others who don’t turn out well. Those are the ones I pity.
Let me encourage you this week to celebrate hardships. Hardships are evidences God is at work in your life to demonstrate His love and grace to others.
Hardly having a difficult time encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
Remembering Basics
July 20, 2000I had an experience recently that could have easily ended with tragic results. I actually had to write something cursive rather than use my computer. For me this was indeed almost tragic if you knew how lousy my calligraphy is.
I desired to send a special friend a personal note to encourage them. I bought a card which I figured appropriate and sat down to figure out exactly what I wanted to add to the card. Looking at the card, I couldn’t come up with anything. I therefore turned on the computer to which turned on my creativity. Praise God! I formulated what I wanted to say on the computer then printed it off just in case a glitch happened and the screen went blank. After printing the words I began copying them onto the card. I almost felt like I was cheating on an exam. I had to remind myself that it was ok to copy what I had written. The writing became more and more difficult. I had to return to several words and make sure letters were formed properly, "t’s" crossed, and "i’s" dotted properly. This turned into "work." Finally, what began as a pleasant gesture, but had turned into a laborious task, was completed. I addressed the envelope, placed it in the mail, and prayed that the Lord would give me better judgement next time. Perhaps I can set fonts correctly, write it on the computer, print it out, and tape or paste it properly on a card. That seems to make much better logic.
Periodically we as Christians get to a stage where we’re teaching the Word of God, explaining it with eloquence, as we correctly, of course, understand it, and are in the midst of doing all sorts of wonderful "Christian stuff" that sometimes we may be rusty on some of the basics of the Christian life.
Perhaps we forget how to listen to someone hurting. It’s much easier and proficient to prescribe a few verses or a book from a Christian author. Perhaps we have become so busy being "theological" that we become rusty on winning someone to Jesus. Perhaps we have concentrated on the more technical stuff that we find ourselves laboring over basic principals.
Let me encourage you this week to enjoy your computer and all your advanced "stuff." Don’t forget how to write however. One still needs to sign a check when they’ve left their bank card. Enjoy being theological but don’t forget how to win someone to Jesus. The basic principals that are the most important.
Basically encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
Eyes to See
July 13, 2000While returning home from our mission trip we saw some wonderful scenery driving through Arkansas. There was one particular view I was impressed with between Little Rock and Ft. Smith. I commented to the rest how beautiful the scene was. Fellow passenger Kirk Everhart responded that it was only beautiful if one could see it. I thought his comment was a bit odd at the time. But upon further reflection, his comment began to make sense. Someone blind couldn’t enjoy the beauty of the view. It would be meaningless to them. Had we passed by this same place past dark it would have been meaningless to the rest of us. We would not have been able to enjoy the beauty because it would have been stealth to us. I suppose the view is beautiful only if one can see it.
I am once again taking the workshop called, Experiencing God. It’s refreshing to take again especially with this group. One of the points author Blackeby makes is to see where God is working and join Him there. That’s all well and good if we are in tune with the Lord. But what happens if our Christian walk is out of tune or out of step with the Lord? Our lack of spiritual sensitivity dulls our eyes to the point we may not be able to see God much less where He is at work.
Jesus once said that the eye is the lamp of the body. If the eye is full of light how bright that light will be, but if the eye is full of darkness how great is that darkness. On another occasion Jesus challenged those following Him by saying for those that had eyes to see and ears to hear let them see and hear.
As Christians, especially Christian singles, it is our responsibility to maintain a consistent walk with Jesus in order to see the things He wants us to see. We will have 20/20 Spiritual vision only if we keep focused on Him. When our focus is in focus we will be able not only to see the Lord but we will also see where He is at work in order to be able to join Him there. We will people as Jesus sees them and be able to respond properly to them, and we will be able to enjoy all sorts of spiritual beauty the Lord desires us to see.
Let me encourage you this week to give your eyes a spiritual eye exam. How light is the light within you? One can clear up darkened vision through repentance. Let the Lord Jesus clear your vision and give you eyes to see.
Encouraging you to see better,
Brother Barnabas
Keep it in Context
July 6, 2000This past week I was privileged to be a part of our Single’s group which went on a mission trip to Memphis, TN. We were working with Skyview Baptist Church. We conducted a sports camp in the mornings for kids at a local park. Simultaneously a group from Georgia was working on a new worship center for the church. The group from Georgia also sent a group to feed the kids we were working with lunch and conduct a Bible School.
On Friday of last week I asked one of the Georgia group which was working in the kitchen what time they anticipated leaving to return to Georgia. She told me they were leaving around eleven-thirty. Later that morning I relayed those words to our group since it struck me that we were supposed to return to Oklahoma around that time. The end result was that the kitchen group I had talked with was leaving at eleven-thirty, but the group conducting the Bible School wasn’t leaving until later. We were all relieved.
I had caused a small panic to our group, not because I had given misinformation, but because I had given limited information. The information given wasn’t in context with the rest of the group from Georgia. The information I relayed was only in context to a small group from Georgia.
This incident reminded me of how many people, lost as well as Christians, treat the Bible periodically. Someone will find a verse or two from the Bible then give mis-information or limited information concerning it. The information given may be correct within the immediate context of those few verses, but taken out of context that information can cause much concern or even heartache to its hearers.
The reformer John Calvin once said that Scripture interprets Scripture. We must be careful when interpreting Scripture or giving scriptural advice that the things we say are consistent with the whole of Scripture. This careful interpretation is keeping Scripture in context. Much harm has been done to people over the years by taking Scripture out of context.
Let me encourage you this week to encourage someone by using holy Scripture. Let me also encourage you to encourage them by keeping it in context.
Contextually encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
Know your Enemies
June 22, 2000When in battle it is important to know whom one is fighting, why, and as much concerning their philosophy and habits as one can obtain. When it comes to the Christian life we also must know our enemies to the best of our ability in order to safeguard us from their schemes.
I’ve been told that when banks train new tellers in detecting counterfeit money one of the primary ways they train them is to have them handle real money over and over again. By concentrating on the real thing they are able to both a knowledge and feel for it. When counterfeit money comes along they are able to distinguish it from real money because they know real money.
A Christian should be about the business of concentrating on the Real Thing, the Lord Jesus and the things of God. Paul tells young Timothy not to neglect the spiritual gift within him but to concentrate on it, take pains with it, and be absorbed with it. If our lives aren’t fully committed to the Lord Jesus it is no wonder we may have trouble understanding and listening to Him when He speaks to us. It is also understandable why some have trouble discerning God’s voice from the voice of the devil. Jesus said that the devil disguises himself as an angel of light. It is my belief that by becoming disciples of the Lord Jesus we will be able to adequately fight against the devil.
Another enemy we must guard against is ourselves. We must not forget though regeneration has taken place and is presently taking place we continue to sin and be very susceptible to sin. If it were possible to destroy the devil we would still sin because we live in a fallen world and we have a fallen nature. We must not forget who we are and whose we are. We are not our own. We were bought with a tremendous price. As we again concentrate on the Lord and the things of God we will be able to discern those characteristics in our lives that must be left out of our lives.
Let me encourage you this week to know more about your enemies by focusing intently on the Lord Jesus and your relationship with Him. The more you focus on Jesus one will be able to see and hear Him much clearer. By concentrating on Jesus one will be better able to fight against the enemies.
Focusing on Jesus to encourage you,
Brother Barnabas
Being Intentional
June 15, 2000My pastor said something not very long ago which struck me as significant. He was speaking concerning evangelism and said that there should be a time in our week when we intentionally do evangelism. If we allow evangelism to just happen more often than not it won’t happen. There have been numerous times when I have done or tried to do evangelism by just allowing it to happen with the results primarily being that it didn’t happen more times than it did. As Christians we tend to treat safeguards the same way.
We tend to think and live in such a way that if we are about to indulge in some sin God will come and jerk us away from the situation immediately like a parent would a toddler. It will just happen. We live as if it’s God’s job to keep us on the straight and narrow path as a parent would a child. It isn’t. We are to grow into maturity as Christians. God gives us choices that we must make. As we make those choices we will hopefully seek His guidance first. It’s our responsibility to stay on the straight and narrow path as much as possible. God’s job is to lead us along this path, point out the dangers, encourage and protect us, and pick us up when we stumble and fall. If we wander off the straight and narrow path by our own will and fall into sin that’s not God’s fault. We must decide that we will intentionally stay on the path.
Sin doesn’t just happen. Sin is always an intentional disobedience to God’s will. The enemy will sometimes place temptation along our path as a snare. Sometimes this temptation is irresistible, but more times than not the temptation is avoidable. We simply aren’t intentionally avoiding the temptation. We don’t use the safeguards to protect us from these temptations. We tend to run to temptation or after it naively thinking temptation won’t capture us. We wonder what happened and how did we get into this mess we’re in when it seduces us and leads us into sin.
Let me encourage you this week to intentionally place safeguards strategically in your life to protect you from temptation. Walk the walk and finish well.
Intentionally encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
June 8, 2000It’s been said that God whom we serve is without limitations. That is absolutely untrue! God has limitations. The Bible speaks in several places of God’s limitations. First and foremost God cannot sin! He can’t lie, cheat, steal, etc. The Bible says in Romans 10:13 that whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. God can’t disallow salvation to someone based on some capricious element. There are other limitations which God has placed upon Himself such as God won’t allow sin to dwell in Heaven. If God is intelligent enough to place limitations upon Himself should we not follow in like manner?
Limitations are some of the most important safeguards one can add to enhance success in the
Christian life. Predetermined limitations if followed will aid in keeping one from serious as well as frivolous moral failure. By knowing one’s strengths and weaknesses one can place these limitations in strategic areas of one’s life to enhance success. Limitations aren’t a standardized set of rules and regulations but are standards custom fitted into each individual’s life for specific purposes.
Here are examples of limitations that one may use. End dates before midnight. Don’t allow yourself and your date to spend very much time together with just the two of you in one’s house or apartment. Limit movies to PG-13. Guys don’t allow themselves to spend time by the "flesh" section of magazine racks. I know some ministers that won’t be seen with a woman besides their wife unless a third person is with them. Budgeting money can limit one from excessive spending and getting into debt. Limiting time in front of the tv will increase opportunities for Bible study and prayer and well as developing relationships with friends.
Let me encourage you this week to get alone with God in order for Him to show you the limitations He wants placed in your life. Limitations are used to illuminate one’s strengths and protect one’s weaknesses. We all need limitations in our lives to safeguard us from moral failure. Run this race strong and well. Place safeguards in your life.
Limiting my words to encourage you,
Brother Barnabas
June 1, 2000Accountability is one of the major safeguards Christians should place in their lives, but it often goes neglected until moral tragedy occurs. Accountability can be pleasant but is often an annoyance. Accountability is sometimes work and is often inconvenient. However, accountability will aid one in finishing the Christian life well. Why do so many Christians live their lives not accountable to anyone?
Some Christians have Lone Ranger attitudes. They don’t believe they need anyone looking over their shoulder as they live their Christian life. It is naive to think one doesn’t need anyone or that one won’t be tempted or fall as long as they are intensely involved in the things of God. (1 Peter 5:8)
Other Christians see the need for accountability but don’t feel they have the time or energy. Some have simply never given accountability much thought.
Accountability is caring enough to get involved in a person’s life. I have a friend in FL who is a commercial realtor. Periodically when we converse he knows I will bring up his walk with Jesus. He knows I love him enough to be or try to be involved in his life. He is too valuable to the Lord to be neglected.
I have another friend in North Carolina. Whenever we talk he asks me whether I’m looking at anything on the internet I shouldn’t be, etc. I’ve had to confess looking at the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit section. He reminds me I’m feeding the flesh. He loves me enough to be involved in my life. I’m grateful.
Presently, I don’t have anyone holding me accountable on a regular basis. I don’t like it. I use to have the Lone Ranger attitude. I am not so naive or stupid anymore. I pray God soon brings someone in my life that says I love you enough to be involved in your life regularly. Everyone is vulnerable to the schemes of the devil. I’m not spiritually mature enough not to need to be held accountable and neither are you.
Let me encourage you to seek God in finding at least one accountability partner preferably be of the same sex for simplicity. Men and women simply don’t think or look at life similarly. Safeguard your Christian walk. Be accountable.
Encouragingly holding you accountable,
Brother Barnabas
Fear God
May 25, 2000As we begin our series on safeguards we must begin as Maria Von Trap said at the very beginning. I touched on this previously, but I must say it again. It seems that people Non-Christians and Christians alike have lost their fear of God. The Bible says that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Jesus tells us in Matt. 10:28 that we are not to fear those that can destroy the body, but we are to fear Him who has power to destroy both body and soul in Hell.
There are several types of fear both unhealthy and healthy. We don’t have to fear or shudder to come before the Lord as the lion did coming into the throne room of Oz. God is not the boggy man coming to get us. The Bible tells us in Hbws. that we can boldly come before the throne of grace and find help in times of trouble. Through the cross/resurrection experience we have become and are children of God and joint heirs with Christ Jesus. We are both loved and desired by God. He longs to fellowship with us and reveal Himself to us.
Yet we as Christians are to have a healthy fear of God which incorporates respect and reverence. We must remember that God is to be revered and reverenced. He is not the "man upstairs". We must not treat God so casually. When Isaiah saw a glimpse of God he became terribly frightened. When John the beloved saw Jesus in all His glory in the Revelation he fell at His feet as a dead man.
As Christians we must also remember that we will give an account to God for every idle word uttered as well as an account for our entire lives. We must not forget though we will not be judged for failure to receive Jesus we will be judged for how responsibly or irresponsibly we lived our lives before Him. Jesus said to whom much is given much is required. We must also remember that we both love and serve God Almighty.
Let me encourage you this week to remember both whom you love and whom you serve. Have you become to complacent or casual in your relationship with Jesus? Never loose your healthy fear of God.
Fearfully encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
The Trouble with Safeguards
May 18, 2000Let me warn you, if you place safeguards in your life in order to aid you in living the Christian life there will be trouble. Safeguards are at the very least inconvenient. They will show up when you don’t want them to show up. They will inhibit your freedom. They will anger you at times. You will sometimes wonder why you bother with safeguards. They will be so troublesome all they will do is to aid you in living a victorious Christian life and finishing the Christian life well.
When I was interning in single adult ministry my mentor told me that the further up the leadership ladder I went the tighter the circle I had to draw around my life. That’s contrary to the world’s view of leadership. The world says that rank has its privileges. In Christian leadership rank has its responsibilities. It is an honor and a privilege to serve Jesus Christ and His church. Sometimes the immediate response to drawing the circle tighter around one’s life is that it is quite inconvenient . The long term response is that is builds a wonderful safety net for when we fall. We all fall. It’s only a matter how far, how hard, and whether there is a safety net which is strong enough to both catch and save us when we fall.
I was reminded by a friend this past week that the road to destruction is both wide and easy, but the road to salvation is narrow and difficult. Jesus added that few there are that find it.
If safeguards are a troublesome thought to add into your Christian life, then simply leave them out. By leaving them out of your life you won’t have to deal with all the inconveniences they bring. You will only have to deal with all the sorrow, pain, and failure you will have because you didn’t add them.
On a curving mountain road was a hairpin turn where many cars parted with the pavement. A bond issue provided money to address the problem, and two schools of thought quickly developed on how best to spend it. One group argued for a $5 million medical clinic to treat the injured. The other group wanted a $1,000 guard rail to keep cars from crashing into the gully in the first place. Which makes more sense?
Encouraging you along the narrow path,
Brother Barnabas
No Fear?
May 11, 2000The more I read and hear of some of the things going on in the name of Jesus in this country I’m beginning to come to the conclusion no wonder the lost world doesn’t understand us. Sometimes I don’t even understand us.
An article in our local paper last week told of a man arrested for sexual abuse of a minor. The abuse had been going on for up to five years. In the last paragraph of the article the girl’s mother said the man told her he didn’t feel guilty about the sexual relations. He told the mother he could just repent in church.
It’s been said that truth is stranger than fiction. I believe it especially when it comes to this article. It seems that the lost world and the Christian world alike has lost its fear of God and sin. Lost people are no longer afraid to break into churches and loot them. Church people and Christians, yes there is a difference, have seemingly lost their healthy fear of God. There is even a theological stance which states that a Christian can get to the point where they no longer sin. Sadly, these same people don’t believe in the tooth fairy or Easter bunny.
We are living in a day when all sorts of sin is running rampart within the body of Christ; especially sexual sin. I heard this past weekend of another preacher which I know that has fallen. I hurt to hear this stuff. In the secular job I currently work, I have been exposed to stuff I never desired to know. I have a much deeper appreciation for what some layman have to go through. If there ever was any doubt in my mind there no longer is that our world both lost and Christian is sin sick.
What is the answer? I could give you a short "God talk" answer, but I won’t. Suffice it to say this bb didn’t begin as a series, but it looks to become a series dealing with "safeguards" in the Christian life. It actually began as a persecution essay but quickly changed. Perhaps in a few weeks after dealing with safeguards I can get to it if God permits.
Let me encourage you to begin placing safeguards in your life. Begin by spending quality time alone with God in prayer and in His Word. These are the basics.
Encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
God Mode
May 4, 2000Do you play computer games? For some their primary use for a computer is playing games. There’s nothing wrong with it. I have learned from friends of mine that play these games of a particular code which can be entered into the game. The person playing the game can play without worry of being eliminated from the game. This code is called "God mode."
From my observations we Christians are guilty of occasionally living our lives in a type of God mode. Last week I made a statement which needs a little elaboration. I wrote that when I am speaking seriously I expect people to either adhere to or revere what I’m saying. This comes from speaking authoritatively about something and expecting people to comply with what’s said. It also comes from people telling you how great the sermon was, what a good teacher you are, etc. The problem is after a while I and/or you began believing this "stuff". Even if it is true, it doesn’t give me or anyone else the right to expect people to jump when we say frog. It should give us a greater sense of humility with our responsibility. We tend to code into a type of God mode.
Another type of God mode comes from Christians which expect others to serve them rather than them serving others. I’ve been told Christians as a general rule in restaurants expect more service and leave the least amount of tips. One can’t justify that behavior by saying they’re giving the money to missions. That waiter or waitress is your mission field at the moment.
Amazingly, what we consider God mode isn’t God mode at all. When one looks at the character of God in the Bible one sees some very interesting characteristics especially when we look at the life of Jesus. God is all powerful, etc. But, God is also kind and merciful. God isn’t arrogant. In fact, the Bible says He is in opposition to the proud. The Bible says it’s the love of God that draws one to repentance. God does God mode rather well, but we don’t. When we try to live in God mode we distort the personality of God, repel others, and harm ourselves with wrong thinking and living.
Let me encourage you not to try and live in God mode. We are to be God-like and Christ-like not God nor Christ Himself. Remember, servants serve.
Serving to encourage you,
Brother Barnabas
April 27, 2000I continue to be amazed with this thing called encouragement. I have written before that being an encourager is a learned process for me. It’s much easier to be straight forward and even harsh at times though, as I’m learning, that isn’t the best way to deal with people. I continue to be amazed how one can take a little extra effort, say the same thing in an encouraging fashion and receive much greater results.
A couple of weeks ago our recreational volleyball team was playing. While playing some children began using part of the court space for their own purposes. Several players on both teams were afraid that during the heat of a point someone might accidently run into one of the children and hurt them. As one child was in this area I spoke to him telling him not to play over there. He gave me the old "your not my dad and you can’t tell me what to do look." I must admit I’m not use to those looks and can’t say I like them. In fact, when I speak on a serious nature I expect people to at least adhere to and/or revere what I’m saying. I’m not the only preacher or person that has that problem so don’t give me too hard a time.
After that game and before the next one I happened to see this little boy at the vending machines. My first response was to go up to him and say, "Hey kid, I told you don’t play where we’re playing volleyball." But it seems the Lord gave me a bit of sudden wisdom. I approached him and asked, "Hey buddy, how about doing me a favor? You’re walking where we’re playing. I’m afraid you might get hurt accidently. Would you mind not walking there while we’re playing?" His response was, "Sure, I’ll be glad not to do it." Several of his friends were there, heard what I said as well as his response, and replied they wouldn’t use that space either.
Actually, I was a bit stunned. It didn’t take much more effort to be kind and encouraging rather than direct and brash. The results were great rather than reluctant and/or negative.
Let me encourage you to be an encourager. It is a discipline. You won’t always succeed. I still revert to a more direct style periodically. You will find though being an encourager is much more effective and glorifies our Lord Jesus.
Directly encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
No BB April 20, 2000
Did Heaven Cry?
April 13, 2000
Preachers and others have made Biblical speculations seem like orthodox truth from time to time to their hearers or readers confusing them rather than giving illumination to Biblical truth. Speculations in and of themselves aren’t harmful. God has given us imagination to use for His glory. The problem arises when we give Biblical weight and authority to these imaginative thoughts which are without solid Biblical foundation. A good rule of thumb to follow is where the Bible is silent we should be also. However, with Holy week upon us I am in the mood to wonder a bit.I ask you to wonder with me for a moment whether or not there has ever been crying in Heaven by its citizens. In Rev. 21:4 the Bible says that the Lord will wipe away every tear and there will be no more crying or pain. Have you ever wondered what the emotional climate was like in Heaven on the day we call Good Friday?
Beginning today, the Christian community focuses in on the last week of Jesus’ earthly ministry and life before the crucificition/resurrection. The tone of that week 2,000 years ago was set with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Though He entered Jerusalem in triumph He left Jerusalem tragically rejected by these same people while carrying a wooden beam towards Golgotha.
What was Heaven like though? Did God the Father permit Heaven or even demand all of Heaven watch the goings on here on planet earth? Were angels infuriated at the unmitigated gall of humans to treat their master in such fashion? Did they stand armed and ready to strike vengeance upon mankind begging God the Father not to allow Jesus to be treated so shamefully? Or did they helplessly watch as God the Father conveyed His master plan of love for all His creation that was stained by sin?
Moses and Elijah had discussed this matter with Jesus at the Transfiguration. Where were they now and what were they doing? What must Heaven been like that week, especially that day? Were there in fact tears flowing in Heaven?
Let me encourage you as you go through this week to reflect on the events that took place 2,000 years ago. Offer numerous prayers of thanksgiving to God for His divine plan. Demonstrate your gratitude by sharing Jesus with someone this week.
Joyfully encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
More Thoughts on Heaven
April 6, 2000One can hear all sorts of ideas concerning Heaven from all sorts of people. There was a song in the 70's entitled "Heaven is Just a Sin Away." It isn’t! Some Jewish friends had the idea that Heaven is anything you want it to be. It isn’t! Some folk believe good people go to heaven. They don’t! Only saved people go to Heaven.
There are so many misconceptions about Heaven. It’s been said that a little knowledge is a very dangerous thing. I believe it. People read a little about Heaven from the Bible and go off on some wild even bizarre ideas. You have heard some of them yourselves even from Christians.
In his song "I Can’t Wait to get to Heaven" Keith Green has a preface in which he speaks of Heaven. He says that he doesn’t know what Heaven is going to be. However, if it only took God six days to create this world with all its beauty, and Jesus has been preparing a place for some of us over 2000 years, then this life is like living in a garbage can compared to what’s waiting for us in Heaven. What a wonderful thought especially when one thinks of the majestic Rocky Mountains in early June, the South during Spring or beautiful Brazil as well as other magnificent places on earth.
I’m not sure what Heaven will be. I do know this. Heaven is all about being in and enjoying the full presence of God. I heard one preacher say that Heaven won’t be like church because Heaven will be fun. I’m not sure my pastor will enjoy heaven very much. There won’t be any lost people for him to win. I’m not sure the Apostle Paul will listen attentively as Brother Ted tries to explain F.A.I.T.H. Whatever it is and wherever it is I feel secure in knowing Heaven is where Jesus is; waiting on us to come home to Him. I look forward to seeing Jesus.
There was another song in the 70's which is different from the previous one mentioned. I never actually heard the song but love the title. It was by Honeytree and entitled "Heaven is Going to be a Blast." It will be!!
Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore,
Brother Barnabas
Thoughts on Heaven
March 30, 2000Do you ever think of heaven, what it will be like, and loved ones or people you want to see and want to see you when you get there? I’m assuming those reading this have already settled the issue concerning going to heaven by repentance of sins and acceptance of Jesus as personal Lord and Savior. If the issue of salvation hasn’t been settled, please do so immediately before continuing with this reading; otherwise, the following will be meaningless.
Dr. Bill Tanner former Home Mission Board president and past executive secretary for Oklahoma Baptists preached in our pastor’s absence recently. I love Dr. T. I met him when I first came to Oklahoma. He befriended me, and I am grateful for his friendship.
While listening to Dr. T preach my mind drifted toward heaven with good reason. Dr. T had a son go to heaven recently via an automobile accident. My mom went to heaven last year as a result of a long illness. We have people we want to see in heaven and who want to see us. I also began thinking about Keith Green’s song about heaven and Dr. Jerry Vine’s sermon concerning Jesus’ grand return to heaven and how He was welcomed home.
I began wondering about entering heaven. I wondered if when we get there if perhaps at least one or more of our loved ones which preceded us will be there by permission of the Lord to welcome us home similar to arriving home at the airport after being away for a trip. I’m sure if my mom and dad, especially my mom, knows when I’m suppose to arrive in heaven she will want to be there at the arrival point to see her son. It will be a sweet reunion. I wondered the same thing concerning Dr. T and his son.
Sunday evening I shared with Dr. T those thoughts. I told him perhaps when he arrives his son will be there to greet him and to tell him, "Welcome home dad." Dr. T seemed grateful at those thoughts.
Let me encourage you towards heaven. Make sure you go there by way of Jesus. Stop for a few moments and think how wonderful heaven will be. Thank you Jesus for making heaven an accessible reality. Thank you also for our current preparation to get there.
Are we there yet?
Brother Barnabas
March 23, 2000How important good friendships are! Friends are like soothing ointment on the skint knees of life. Not only to they ease pain, but they aid in healing and peace of mind. With that in mind, it’s time to say goodbye to two wonderful friends today. Roberta Hampton, our single retired missionary in residence, is leaving to live near her sister in MO., and Bettina Hale is leaving us for the mission field. They will be missed.
What can I say about Roberta? She is one of my heroes. I devoted an entire Barnabas to her last year. She of course downplayed all the accolades I gave her. She is a wonderful woman and lady of God. I will miss her though we will continue to stay in contact via email.
Bettina has become a good friend in the short amount of time I have known her. I will miss her also very much. My first encounter with Bettina wasn’t the best, but it is funny now. I was talking to my friend Bryan White, the Auburn boy, in church before services. He was relating how he was possibly going to Orlando for some training. I was excited for him. I told him he had to check out First Baptist Orlando. Jim Henry is a great pastor and First is a great church. Bettina was in the pew ahead of us. She had heard the conversation and turned around to tell Bryan to forget First Orlando. Go to Disney world. I thought to myself, yea, just another carnal Christian. I couldn’t have been more incorrect. I admire her commitment and love for our Lord Jesus.
Let me encourage you reflect on how important and wonderful good friendships are. Cherish the times you have with your friends. Remember to pray for these wonderful ladies. Remember most of all "What a friend we have in Jesus."
Friendly encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
Sovereign over Sophomores
March 16, 2000Aren’t you glad that no matter where you are in your Christian walk and/or while you’re doing your theology that you serve a wonderful loving Heavenly Father who watches over you and is surprised by nothing you do? His ultimate purposes will be fulfilled. We call this the sovereignty of God.
Since God is sovereign this means He is also sovereign over sophomores. God knows that we must endure immaturity in order to reach maturity. We all start at the same place which is immaturity. We are then to grow towards and into maturity. Unfortunately there are no short cuts to maturity. The short cuts I’ve tried only delayed the process instead of enhancing it. The Bible says that He is patient and kind slow to anger and abundant in loving kindness. I don’t know about you but boy, am I glad!! God participates and endures our immaturity with us.
The problem we run into is not going through immaturity because we must go through it. The problem arises when we settle down and decide to stay there. This is precisely what the writer of Hebrews talks about to his readers in Hebrews. 6:1-3. This previously mentioned problem pertains both to life in general as well as the Christian life. Paul addresses this issue in 1 Cor.13:11. When one is ten he can’t be expected to possess the maturity of someone thirty five. When one is thirty five he should not normally maintain the maturity of a ten year old. Solomon’s tragic end resulted in his refusal to continue to grow in the knowledge and grace of Christ Jesus (2 Peter 3:18).
There are several ways one can enhance his spiritual life to avoid bogging down in the mud of immaturity. It only becomes mud when we begin spinning our wheels there and get stuck. One is to have a consistent time of fellowship with God through prayer and His Word. Two, it is recommended to pursue a conscious effort toward the things of God. In 1 Tim. 4:15 Paul tells young Timothy to be absorbed in making use of his gifts and progress. Never ever quit growing in the Lord. The third enhancer I would recommend is to take a spiritual assessment with both yourself and with an accountability partner.
Let me encourage you to progress in the Christian life. Never settle for becoming a sophomore.
Encouraging you to press on,
Brother Barnabas
Saved Sophomores
March 9, 2000One could easily assume that when a person gives their life to Jesus for Him to become their personal Lord and Savior all sophomoric tendencies would vanish. It’s a nice thought, but sadly it isn’t the way life, even the Christian life, is. These "saved sophomores" can fall into three sub-categories which are the naive, the know it alls, and the non-believing believers.
The naive are those that can be "so heavenly minded they are no earthly good." It seems that every problem for them can be solved either by praying more or spending more time in the Bible. The naive also don’t like to think or use their minds. They are into the "warm fuzzes" experiences in the Christian life. It’s no use asking them questions concerning doctrine because they won’t even attempt to answer you with thoughtful answers. They will simply tell you to pray and read your Bible and God will reveal it to you.
The know-it-all sophomores will spend huge amounts of time expounding on all their Biblical knowledge which usually isn’t much. Much of their time is spent with trivial matters in the Scriptures such as how a camel can pass through the eye of a needle (Matt.19:23). They tend to be rather argumentative and very anxious to tell you how you are wrong, when you attempt to converse with them, according to the Scriptures which are usually ones they have taken out of context.
The non-believing believers could be deemed Christian rationalists I suppose. They believe in the supernatural activity of God enough to get saved but little more. These are the ones that tell you why God can’t or won’t do something without giving God the opportunity to speak or demonstrate something for Himself. These people are the biggest hindrances to missions and revival or any supernatural activity God would like to be involved in with you.
Let me encourage you this week to discard any Christian sophomoric tendencies. We all go through at least some of these stages. We must seek to surpass these stages and walk in maturity with the Lord Jesus. Next week we will look at God’s sovereignty over sophomores.
Until next week encouraging you this week,
Brother Barnabas
Sinful Sophomores
March 2, 2000Our world is obsessed with the importance of knowledge and education. We see all sorts of television adds encouraging knowledge and education. The primary emphasis of the Internet is knowledge; not shopping or sports scores. We have seen our own parents make tremendous sacrifices in order to enable us to receive a good education. Knowledge is power.
This obsession with knowledge and education is world-wide. Education is looked at as the international "cure all" for anything wrong. All one needs to overcome any obstacle is more education.
I am all for knowledge and education. However, one can be extremely educated and still be a sophomore(wise-fool). Hitler’s Germany as well as numerous other powers and individuals throughout history have proven the danger of education alone.
Let’s take a look at our country introspectively. Instead of excelling our country is deteriorating, and it’s not because of a lack of education. Simply watch the news and see how sophisticated and intelligent our methods are to defraud one another. Note how educated our evil has become. If all a country has is an educated people then all that country has is a population of sinful sophomores.
I never cease to be amazed to hear sinful sophomores attempt to justify their evil ways and strive to aid the "weak minded" Christians, who need a crutch, as to how to live life.
The Bible says that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. It’s encouraging to see numbers of educated people, sinful sophomores, who have sought to exclude God from their lives come to a true understanding of their need for a personal relationship with Jesus thus beginning the wisdom years.
Let me encourage you to share with others the importance of real wisdom and intelligence. Wise people don’t go to Hell. Wise people have a living and growing relationship with Jesus.
Encouraging you to be wise,
Brother Barnabas
Charles Schulz
February 24, 2000The same night Coach Tom Landry died another American hero died. Actually he was an international hero. He was not known for sports achievements though he loved sports and participated in hockey even in his last days. He was simply known as the best cartoonist in history. You of course know that I am referring to Charles Schulz the creator of "Peanuts".
Mr. Schulz was one of my greatest heros growing up. I like countless others wanted to grow up to be a cartoonist like Charles Schulz. I began drawing cartoons at an early age and had decided by the time I was in Jr. High School I would go to art school and study to become a cartoonist. God had other plans for my life.
I had been told that Mr. Schulz was a committed Christian and layman at his church. As God began seeking me out in order to call me into full time ministry I would say something to the effect, "But God, look at Charles Schulz. He’s a cartoonist and a Christian layman. Why can’t I do the same?" The Lord would not leave me alone until I surrendered to full time Christian ministry.
Mr. Schulz never deviated from his perceived purpose in life which was to draw Peanuts. Mr. Schulz never preached through Peanuts, but from time to time Biblical ideas and ideals would be presented in the strip. God blessed Charles Schulz. He made approximately thirty million dollars annually from Peanuts and those things related to Peanuts. However, Mr. Schulz did lots more. He made people smile and laugh. He helped lighten their load in life.
Let me encourage you to be like Charles Schulz this week. Lighten someone’s load by sharing the Gospel with them. Make someone smile and enjoy a laugh with them. If you listen, you will hear God laughing with you.
Encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
Coach Landry
February 17, 2000I want to praise Jesus for the life of Coach Tom Landry. It is my position to always give tribute to the Lord Jesus for the life of certain people. I would be amiss if I didn’t give the Lord praise for Coach Landry.
Next to Coach Paul Bryant Coach Landry is the only other coach to make such a positive impression on my life. The ironic aspect is that I have never been much of a Dallas Cowboy fan. I have most always been a Minnesota Viking fan. The Vikings and Cowboys have always been huge rivals. In fact, it was against the Vikings that Roger Staubach threw the first pass deemed the "Hail Mary" pass. It would not be logical therefore to sing praises of such a rival coach. However, Coach Landry was different.
Coach Landry lived a life of moral integrity and commitment to Christ most of his life. I would venture if one looked the word integrity up in the dictionary Coach Landry’s picture would be beside the definition. In everything, whether seen or read concerning Coach Landry, his was an exemplary life committed to the Lord Jesus. It is noteworthy that Coach Landry’s wife is the granddaughter of R.A. Torrey, a great Christian preacher and writer.
According to his players, Coach Landry’s priorities as a coach were God, family, and football in that order. Coach Landry not only taught his team about winning in football, but he taught them how to win in life.
One of my best friends named one of his sons after Coach Landry. He gave his son a name of honor and one that his son could and should live up to.
Coach Landry impacted many lives to and for the glory of the Lord Jesus including mine. The impact of his life will reverberate in the lives of those he impacted for years to come.
Let me encourage you to follow Coach Landry’s example.
Encouraging you to live the life,
Brother Barnabas
Solomon the Sophomore
February 10, 2000Life is full of paradoxes. Do you remember when you were a sophomore in school? You were so wise yet so foolish. Do you know the literal translation of sophomore means; wise fool?
Our world is full of sophomores. These people are incredibly wise in many areas of life yet so foolish in either these same areas or other areas of life. It may be knowing better than to speed yet doing it anyway only to get caught and receive a ticket. It may something much more costly. Most of us possess sophomoric tendencies. The problem arises when these tendencies take over and control our lives. King Solomon was one such sophomore.
Except for the Lord Jesus, King Solomon was the wisest person to live on planet earth. God appeared to Solomon and gave Solomon the opportunity for anything he desired whether wealth or what have you. Solomon asked for wisdom in order to be an effective king. This got God’s attention. God promised him wisdom and fulfilled that promise. The Bible gives several accounts demonstrating Solomon’s wisdom. He also wrote Proverbs, Song of Solomon and Ecclesiastes. Solomon was so wise yet so very foolish.
Solomon began his reign very close to God yet ended his reign very distant from God. During Solomon’s life God spoke to him twice. Yet Solomon chose to disobey God and follow his own wisdom rather than God’s wisdom and instructions. By placing his own wisdom over God’s wisdom Solomon became very foolish. Because of Solomon’s foolishness God divided Israel into two kingdoms with Solomon’s descendants having the smaller kingdom.
Let me encourage you this week to listen and heed God’s instructions. Avoid the sophomoric tendency of neglecting what God says concerning an issue in order to go your own way. Stumbling isn’t the issue at hand. The issue is habitually neglecting God’s wisdom to follow your own way. Run well and finish well. Don’t be a sophomore.
Encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
February 3, 2000All year long teams from the NFC and AFC have battled for an opportunity to demonstrate their team is the very best in professional football. Almost no one is immune from the hype and excitement that goes with the Superbowl and Superbowl Sunday.
On the other side of the world the same day as Superbowl Sunday is another sporting event which is also important. This event is the Australian Open which is the first of the four Grand Slam events in professional tennis. It doesn’t receive nearly the hype as the Superbowl, but is a major event never-the-less. One of the rarest events in sports is for one person to capture all four major titles in the same year, especially in men’s professional tennis. People in the tennis world watch with great anticipation as to who will win the Australian. From there they watch to see if that winner will go on to win any if not all of the other three Grand Slam events. However, the Australian often goes without much notice in this country. Andre Agassi won the Australian for his sixth Grand Slam event title.
In Spiritual matters the glitzy events of this world take far more attention than do spiritual events. Lots of attention is paid to the major sports events such as the Superbowl, the college basketball final 4, etc. Major Spiritual events get little to no attention not only from the world but also from within the Christian community. It doesn’t mean that the Spiritual events aren’t as important. It means that the world's events gets the majority of the attention; except for God’s attention.
The question arises as to how important are the things of God to us? There is absolutely nothing wrong with keeping up with sports and world events. I think as Christians we need to know much about our world and culture both to enjoy it and to be able to effectively minister to it. I am concerned however when Christians know a great amount concerning the events of the world, but not about the things and events of God. We must emulate Jesus. Jesus was busy about His Father’s business. We must do the same.
Let me encourage you this week to pay more attention to the things of God whether it be events in your church, community, or events worldwide. Our Savior’s business must be our primary concern.
Encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
January 27, 2000Why does one wear or display the emblem of the cross? Christians often wear crosses as a demonstration of their faith or as an accountability factor. Sometimes wearing a cross will open an opportunity to witness to someone. Seeing the cross often dissipates the urge to be unkind to someone. I’ve talked to several non Christians as to why they wear a cross. Some say they like it while others wear it because it was a gift. I recently talked with one person as to why he wore a cross. I was at a health club working out when I noticed this person. He had this beautiful gold cross around his neck while uttering an expletive. I pulled him aside in order not to embarrass him and began politely inquiring why he was wearing a cross while using less than Christian language. He responded also politely by saying wearing a cross made him feel safe. I made the point to let him know I wasn’t judging him, but was concerned. We talked about becoming a Christian, but he wasn’t too open. I left him by saying that he needed to get off the fence, and if I could be of help I would be glad to help.
It seems the cross has become a sort of Nehushtan. Nehushtan is found in Numbers 13, 2 Kings 18:4, and John 3. It was the bronze serpent that Moses lifted in the wilderness. Jesus referred to it while talking with Nicodemus. The Nehushtan had survived until the time of King Hezekiah. It had evolved into an idol of sorts because people were burning incense to it. King Hezekiah had it destroyed. It seems the cross is being treated in a similar fashion today.
The Nehushtan was a symbol to Israel of God’s mercy and forgiveness. The cross must be seen in a similar respect. Neither have any mystical or magical power in and of themselves. They should always point people to Jesus. When too much emphasis is placed on the emblem rather than Jesus the emblem is in danger of becoming an idol which was not its intent.
Let me encourage you to wear your cross proudly. I don’t only because I tend to loose them. However, always make a point to let the cross point people to Jesus. Don’t allow your cross to become Nehushtan.
Encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
Do you believe in aliens? It seems more and more people are talking more and more concerning aliens and the possibility of life on other planets. We can’t go by the grocery store tabloids without reading the headlines about some type of alien abduction or more evidence that aliens are among us. The number of movies dealing with aliens has increased to a large degree. My favorite movie concerning aliens is Men in Black with Will Smith. One would think there is entirely too much emphasis on aliens these days.I personally don’t think there is too much emphasis on aliens. I think there is entirely too little emphasis on aliens. In fact, let me now make a confession; I am an alien. Those of you that know me won’t find this surprising at all. Not only am I an alien, but there are other aliens like me here currently on planet earth, but there aren’t nearly enough aliens. The earth needs more aliens!!
In 1Peter 2:11, Peter urges us as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul. Paul, in Phil. 3:20, tells us our citizenship is in heaven. Christians are spiritual aliens living on planet earth, but our home and our citizenship is in heaven. The contemporary Christian group Petra picked up on this idea several years ago in their album entitled Not of This World. In my opinion it was one of their best albums. They had a title song which spoke to this issue of being aliens on planet earth.
We as Christians must not forget that this earth experience, though good, is not our ultimate experience. Our ultimate experience will be when we are finally home at last in heaven enjoying the full presence of God. We must be about the business of encouraging others to join us by become aliens themselves.
Let me encourage you as you live on planet earth enjoy your stay, but don’t forget who you are, where you are, and whose you are. Never forget that you as a Christian are an alien. Do not neglect the responsibility of encouraging others to become aliens.
Encouraging you,
Brother Barnabas
Balancing Act
Thursday, January 13, 2000I received a bit of surprise tonight while at church. After the service I was chatting with my friend Bryan White about Auburn beating Kentucky last evening. It was brought to my attention from another friend that all they ever hear from me is talk about Alabama of some type. Since they’re an Okie they couldn’t relate and felt left out of the conversation. It was a rather friendly reprimand, but the incident sent my mind spinning in several directions.
From time to time I find myself conversing with someone while others may be listening only to realize I have excluded them from the conversation. I’m realizing this is a short coming of mine that needs work. I don’t want to hinder friendships because of my inattentiveness.
Another observation made is my feelings for OK may be stealth because some only hear me talk about AL. I love OK and Oklahomans. God has done some wonderful things in my life here. I am intensely loyal to most things Oklahoman. I have to draw the line placing the Sooners or Cowboys above the Crimson Tide. OKC is a wonderful place to live. The reason OK is so great is because of the friendships God has given me here, especially at Village Baptist Church. I talk lots about leaving only because I want my own church not because of any negatives with OK or Oklahomans. God could open a church here in OK which would be ok with me.
A final observation is finding the balance of talking about Jesus in front of our lost friends. If all lost people hear Christians talk about is church or Christian related topics they feel left out. They want to be a part of the conversation as friends, but we may not allow them the opportunity because we’re too busy talking Christianity. On the other hand, if lost people only hear us talk about other things rather than Jesus they may get the impression that He isn’t very important to us. We must seek the Holy Spirit to give us direction in finding the balance of how much or how little to talk about Jesus.
Let me encourage us to become more attentive to what we talk about and how much. Our conversations should be for inclusion not exclusion of people. Let us also seek to find balance in sharing with lost people in order to drive them toward Jesus not away from Jesus.
Encouraging inclusion and balance,
Brother Barnabas