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HOW TO SUBMIT AN AD: If you wish to submit an ad of 25 words or less, please submit email them to us exactly as you wish it posted. Ads over 25 words are $25/year and must be prepaid. To do this, email us the ad first for our evaluation. Upon approval,  we'll send you our address for payment.  Once payment is received we will post your ad.
DISCLAIMER: We are happy to post the ads below with the understanding that the SinglesMall nor any of its staff will be held liable for the accuracy of any of the offers or statements made by the advertiser. We believe that most people are honest but if you find any of these ads to be misleading, please send us an email with your comments.
REFUSAL: We have the right to refuse any ads that are not in keeping with our standard of clean and wholesome livingand honest business ethics.

Books for Singles. Don Davidson, singles pastor, author and founder of the, has written several publications for singles and leaders. To view them and their prices, please go to  (note: the D must be capitalized for some reason)

Sidelines for Singles. We at the SinglesMall have several other business opportunities suited for singles. For information send an email to Single Sidelines . Please include city where you live.
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