HUNTING Preparing for the Adventure by Don
This is a one-of-a-kind book for singles of all ages, whether
widowed or always single. The author, a retired pastor to
singles, not
only tells it like it is but how it could be. As one who went
through a
divorce himself, he shares how he learned to "survive and
thrive" and
offers valuable suggestions on how you can do it as well.
Some of the 20 chapter titles include: Is
There Life
After Divorce?, Keeping the Faith, Being Single Isn't so Bad
All, The Value of Singles Groups, Where Have All
the Good Ones Gone?, The Selection Process, Hunting Online,
Making the MOST of Your Single
Life, and Turning the Holidays into Happidays.
The book also has several valuable
including his own Top Ten
list drawn from a national survey he conducted on "What
Singles Think
About Dating and Relating." The book concludes with a unique
Diary so you can remember certain fun and factual things about
special friends.
Published in 2017,
this 127-page book sells for $9.95 (trade cover). It is
through Amazon and Kindle...but you must provide the full
title. It may also be purchased directly from the
author by sending a check for $12 to Don Davidson, Box 27222,
Park, KS 66225. Sorry, no c.c.