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just for today

Just for Today: Hope for Single Moms by R J Thesman. Single moms do not have hours for devotional time, scripture memory practices, praying for the world or meditation. They may be working two or three jobs, attending their teenager's soccer games, studying for their own college exams and taking care of several little people -- all at the same time.
    But life happens one day at a time, day after day, and single moms need encouragement. Just for Today: Hope for Single Moms offers a brief meditation and/or practical tips with the opportunity to journal later. It gives single moms a variety of thoughts that can be read in five minutes or less, then carried throughout the day.
    Whether you're a single mom through death, never married, a military wife or divorced, Just for Today: Hope for Single Moms offers a brief boost of hope you can focus on for a few minutes -- just for today.
   Published independently in 2021.  Available on Amazon.

Dear Hunting

DEAR HUNTING Preparing for the Adventure by Don Davidson. This is a one-of-a-kind book for singles of all ages, whether divorced, widowed or always single. The author, a retired pastor to singles, not only tells it like it is but how it could be. As one who went through a divorce himself, he shares how he learned to "survive and thrive" and offers valuable suggestions on how you can do it as well.
    Some of the 20 chapter titles include: Is There Life After Divorce?, Keeping the Faith, Being Single Isn't so Bad After All, The Value of Singles Groups, Where Have All the Good Ones Gone?, The Selection Process, Hunting Online, Making the MOST of Your Single Life, and Turning the Holidays into Happidays.
    The book also has several valuable appendices including his own Top Ten list drawn from a national survey he conducted on "What Singles Think About Dating and Relating." The book concludes with a unique Dating Diary so you can remember certain fun and factual things about your special friends.
    Published in 2017, this 127-page book sells for $9.95 (trade cover). It is available through Amazon and Kindle...but you must provide the full title. It may also be purchased directly from the author by sending a check for $12 to Don Davidson, Box 27222, Overland Park, KS 66225. Sorry, no c.c.

Everyone Knows a Single Adult compiled by Kris Swiatocho and Dennis Franck. Actually, the subtitle better captures the purpose for the book:  FAQs of Single Adult Ministry. Swiatocho and Franck are not only the co-compilers of this material but contributors as well which includes Don Davidson and 50 other single adult leaders nationwide who shared their thoughts and opinions on 100 various questions relating to doing single adult ministry.
    Some of the 14 chapter titles include: Before You Start; Young Adults; Single Adult Ministry Outside the Church; Recruiting Leaders; Training and Motivating Leaders; Ministry Ideas, Growth and Trends; Budget and Finance Issues; Events and Activities; Tough Issues; Advertising and Marketing with the final chapter being Relevant Resources which lists some very valuable resources.

    The 205-page book was published in 2015 by Yes! Marketing and Design Services, Garner, NC. It sells for $17.00 plus postage (trade cover). To order click on link above then go to the Resources tab. 

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